Unesco timbuktu manuscripts
Unesco timbuktu manuscripts

A large number of historic documents from the 13th to 16th century are on the verge of being lost if not treated with urgency.Ī great part of this necessary preservation is now being done in the US, under the auspices of the American Timbuktu Educational Foundation. The aim is to enable Mali and Timbuktu to take care of this African treasure by itself, as the Timbuktu manuscripts now rely on many foreign institutions to save many of the most damaged objects. This has been followed with training workshops with the same five including a boarder group of Malian trainees at the Ahmed Baba Institute in Timbuktu. Since April 2003, South Africa's National Archives has hosted a group of five Malian conservator trainees for approximately eight weeks annually. Already during the last three years, however, Mali has counted on South African assistance for its Timbuktu manuscripts conservation project. Malians are educated into specialised manuscript conservators in South Africa and Tunisia and a new building to house the manuscripts is already being constructed in Mali's ancient town of Timbuktu.Īmong several institutions taking an interest in assisting the government of Mali to conserve its Timbuktu cultural treasures is the government of South Africa, which today signed a cultural cooperation agreement with Mali. The Timbuktu manuscripts are now being studied mainly by foreign researchersĪfrol News, 13 September - Efforts to conserve, store and expose the estimated 700,000 Timbuktu manuscripts, one of Africa's principal cultural heritages, are going well ahead. Preparations for Timbuktu manuscript centre advance Science - Education | Culture - Arts | Society Réunion Portugal Aserbajdsjan Serbia Tyskland Seychellene Bosnia Spania Libanon Belgia India Kroatia Hellas Italia Ungarn Komorene Georgia Mauritius Østerrike Romania Frankrike

unesco timbuktu manuscripts

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unesco timbuktu manuscripts

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unesco timbuktu manuscripts

» - Timbuktu: Historic manuscripts may be safe

Unesco timbuktu manuscripts