Whoever thought this was a good idea should be fired ! It keeps ruining the pace of the story and destroys immersion. And the music omg it makes your blood boil like lava ! I swear i only bought this because i found out that mick composed the music and he delivered his one of a kind heart thumping, enraging metallic hellish chords ! They seriously didn't market his music deservingly ! This is a major selling point for this game ! On the other hand i was shocked by the amount of locks you had to pick to progress the story ! I swear i counted over a hundred locks. On Twitter, the official Mundfish account stated that the game has gone gold.
This new studio has set a new bar for other developpers to aspire to when optimizing their games. Atomic Heart developer Mundfish has announced that the game has gone gold, ahead of its February 21 release date. Atomic Heart developed by Mundfish studio is out now on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series XS, Xbox One, PC.
Pc gamers are happy as well judging by their comments. The graphics are photorealistic and rendered in 4k 60fps with crisp contrasty visuals and runs like a dream on ps5 ! I hadn't had any issues. I didn't mind the protagonist being rude and aggressive to every one, in fact i dig it ! I prefer feeling the bad ass vibes i get from the protagonist, makes me feel overpowered. Developer Mundfish's first-person shooter Atomic Heart got a new trailer during Xbox-Bethesda's E3 2021 presentation, which didn't reveal a release date but confirmed the game will be. I didn't mind the protagonist being rude and After going through other reviews, I wasn't bothered by the same issues they mentioned. Focus Entertainment and Mundfish are thrilled to announce the release date for their upcoming action-RPG Atomic Heart, set in the mad utopia of an alternate. After going through other reviews, I wasn't bothered by the same issues they mentioned.